Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feel Better Cookies

Sorry it took me so long to post, all. I had a battle with sickness this past week and am finally feeling better!

Unfortunately, because of sickness, I did not get to bake anything. With throbbing sinuses and a fever, I did not think it was the best idea to consume anything I made with germy hands.


LUCKILY, my fiancĂ© came to the rescue one night when I wanted cookies. Yes. Cookies. When I'm sick I want the weirdest things. Usually my go-to cookies are the Lorna Doone shortbreads I keep in the cabinet for times likes these. Unfortunately, they were stale. =/ Instead, Keith made me my absolute favorite cookies fresh out of the oven: chocolate chip!

They look SOOO good, right? Warm and chocolatey, melt-in-your-mouth. Magical. Rich. Fabulous. I could go on and on. The recipe Keith used to make me these wonderful masterpieces?

Pillsbury's own secret goodness. Just preheat the oven to 350 F and set for about fifteen minutes! This is my one non-homemade indulgence I allow myself because I cannot get my chocolate chip cookies this heavenly. I do have a recipe a friend gave me to try because I was venting about how I hadn't found a chocolate chip cookie recipe I liked yet, but I was not going to have Keith try it when I was not around to supervise.

The other great thing about these cookies? Even your baking inept fiancĂ© can handle making them for you when you're out of commission. They are screw-up proof! 

I just wish I could have tasted them =/ Colds screw everything up!


  1. you are going to have talented baking babies! haha but i do hate when you can't taste anything with colds! it's awful!

  2. I love chocolate chip cookies, all warm from the oven. I also love raw chocolate chip cookie dough, cold from the fridge. That bucket-o-dough doesn't stand a snowball's chance (in oven hell) of surviving the weekend in my kitchen. Glad you're feeling better!
