Sunday, March 18, 2012

Irish Cream Brownies

Happy St. Patty's Day Weekend, everyone! Whether you are Irish or not, you can't help but indulge in some of the treats this holiday offers. My father loves Irish soda bread, other relatives enjoy Irish potatoes, and one of my best friends has a feast of cabbage and stew. I also heard that some of the bars serve green beer for the occasion.


I'm a quarter Irish, but never really celebrated it.

During my Spring break this semester, my girlfriends came over for a post-birthday celebration. One of our usual adventures involves baking--chocolate chip cookies, smoothies, and brownies.

We adore brownies.

In all forms.

To celebrate the Irish in all of us, no matter how small, I found a recipe on Betty Crocker's website for Frosted Irish Cream Brownies. You can follow the link to the recipe.

Our results looked like this:

We put a splash too much milk in the icing, which made it a little runny. Next time, we are going to cut the recipe for it in half to make less of it and leave it thicker. I used applesauce instead of oil (see a previous blog post), which gave them more of a flaky texture. Next time, I'll omit the Irish cream in the brownies themselves because we couldn't taste it anyways. 

Otherwise, our results were fantastic! The brownies were chocolaty, fulfilling and definitely Irish-y! Even though I don't celebrate St. Patty's Day, I do think these treats were a great way to indulge! 

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